The Cultural Gender Narrative & The Supremacy of Jesus - Colossians 1:15-20
Bethany Rivera
Read genesis 1:26-28
Read Colossians 1:15-20
End in prayer for your Frances and for the lost to come to know the supremacy of Jesus
Bethany Rivera
Read genesis 1:26-28
- How would you describe your maleness or femaleness?
- What makes you male?
- What makes you female?
- How does that reflect God’s image?
- What does your culture of origin say about your gender role?
- What parts are good and what parts are harmful?
- Where have you found healing with Jesus in your gender identity?
- How does looking at Jesus life & ministry change your view on gender and gender roles?
- What does it mean to you that you Will be embodied and engendered forever?
- How does that change your view of eternity?
- Where do you see examples of our cultures low view of the body and Gnosticism?
- Do you have a high view or a low view of your body?
- What would a higher view of your physical body be like for you?
- What part of the application for the church stuck out to you?
- Which do you want to commit to?
Read Colossians 1:15-20
- What sticks out to you about Christ in this passage?
End in prayer for your Frances and for the lost to come to know the supremacy of Jesus