October 15, 2023
Pastor Gary Barber

In the Message Pastor Gary talked about people building their lives without following God’s blueprints and then using wrong materials.

1. Read Matthew 7:24-27

  • How do we see this passage being played out in our culture today?

Pastor Gary referenced an article from Time magazine written by Jean M. Twenge from San Diego State University, on how Generation Z (those born between 1995–2012) has changed its views on gender rapidly in the last few years. At the beginning of 2020, 41% believed there are more than two genders. At the beginning of 2021, 51% of generation Z said they believe there are more than two genders. This is in contrast to Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials, who have not changed their opinions on the subject very much in the last few years. Between 33% – 35% of these three groups believe there are more than two genders. Pastor Gary speculated that in the last two years those from generation Z that believe there are more than two genders has continued to grow. From the trajectory from the last few years, he speculates 2/3 of GenZ believe there are more than two genders today. Many of our Christian young people are part of this majority of GenZ who believe there are more than two genders.

  • Why do you think this rapid change is taking place?

2. Read Ephesians 4:14–16

  • How does this passage address some of this present confusion as it relates to GenZ Christians, and Christians of other ages, in our present culture?

3. Read Genesis 2:7–9

  • What do these verses teach us about the uniqueness of the first man and the garden/environment He created for him to live in?

4. Read Genesis 2:15–17

  • What was man’s responsibility in the Garden? 
  • How might God’s instruction to Adam apply to our responsibility/responsibilities on earth today? 
  • Why do you think God put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden? 
  • Do you think it was cruel or wrong for Him to place a tree in the Garden that they could not eat of? 
  • What do you think He was trying to teach the first human beings by doing this?

5. Read Genesis 2:18– 22
  • What insights are important for us to glean from this passage? The Hebrew word for Helper is “Ezer” (pronounced “Haze Air” – with the “H” in “Haze” silent). This word meant a strong and effective helper. It is often used of Yahweh as Israel‘s helper. See Psalm 33:20, Psalm 70:5, Psalm 121:1&2, Psalm 124:8.  
  • What does this teach us about the uniqueness of the woman? 
  • What does this teach us about the partnership between men and women in serving God in His creation?

6. Read Hebrews 13:6

  • How does this promise and the promises from the Psalms about the LORD being our helper encourage you? 
  • Where do you need to apply this promise/these promises in your life right now?

7. Read Genesis 2:23–25

  • What insights do these verses give you about how a marriage should function? 
  • What are the three foundational principles for every marriage expressed in verse 24?

8. Stop and pray for the marriages at The Oaks to be strong and vibrant and to follow God’s principles in His Word and receive God’s blessings.