September 17, 2023
Luke 24:33-53
Community Group Questions

What is the major benefit the cross secures for you as a believer?
A: Forgiveness

What is the major benefit the resurrection of Christ secures for you as a believer?
 A: Everlasting Life; Future Resurrection.

What is the major benefit the Ascension of Christ procures – opens the door for you as a believer?
A: The Empowering of the Holy Spirit; The outpouring and gift of the Spirit to you as a child of God.

Read Luke 24:36-43

What was Jesus emphasizing when He showed His hands and feet to His disciples and at the broiled fish before them?

What is the significance that Jesus’ resurrection is a bodily and physical resurrection How does Jesus’ resurrection mean for your destiny as a disciple of His?

Read John 14:19 & Philippians 3:20, 21

Has this knowledge helped you overcome any fears you might have of death?

Read Luke 34:45
Have you experienced the Lord do this for you?

Do you have a recent example of this?

Do you ask the Lord to do this for you when reading your Bible?

Read Luke 24:49
What does it mean to be clothed with power from on high?

How and when does a Christian experience this?

Have you experienced this as a follower of Jesus?

As you are empowered with the Spirit He will enable you to be an effective witness. Remember the BLESS practice with your FRANCES’

Bring them to the Lord in Prayer
Listen to them
Eat with them
Serve them
Share your testimony and the Gospel with them
