Catch up with your group!
  • What’s new? 
  • How was everyone’s summer? 
  • What updates does everyone have?
  • Any new people? Have the whole  group reintroduce themselves.

Below are questions from this weeks sermon.

  1. How are you renewing your mind (Eph. 4:23)? What practices have you found effective in doing this?
  2. Read Ephesians 4:25-32 again. Which of these practices from the old life (falsehood, anger, theft, unwholesome talk, grieving the Spirit, unforgiveness, etc.) do you struggle with and need to put out of your life? 
  3.  Have you ever “let the sun go down on your anger”? What happened as a result of that?
  4. Have you ever sensed you grieved the Holy Spirit? What did you do to resolve that and be restored in your relationship/fellowship with the Spirit?
  5. Review - FRANCES & BLESSING practices. Who is everyone praying for and where are they at in the journey with their FRANCES? Spend time in prayer for FRANCES.