God Owns it All
The Privilege of Managing God’s Resources
A Framework: 4 premises and 2 promises

Pastor Nick Preston
Community Group Questions 11/3/24

Biblical Principles for Finances
1. Spend less than you earn
2. Avoid the use of debt
3. Save and build margin for the unexpected
4. Give generously by making kingdom investments

  • Are any of these principles new to you or surprise you?
  • Which one do you want to practice more this season?
  • Which one do you enjoy doing or are good at?

Four Premises
1. God owns it all
2. We are his stewards
3. Money issues are never about money. They're heart issues.
4. Scripture shows us God’s economic plan for managing God’s resources

  • Which of these premises stuck out to you and why?
  • Which premise have you heard the most as a christian? 
  • Which one have you heard about the least?
  • What is the regular definition of being a steward and what was Nick’s biblical definition of stewardship? 
  • How does that help us understand the idea that money issues are about the heart?

Being God’s steward is not just about money and resources but also about - TIme, God-given
abilities, Environment (Earth, Animals, etc), Children, and the Gospel message.

  • How are you stewarding each of these areas? 
  • What is God putting on your heart to change or do differently your stewarding of these 6 areas?
  • What questions do you have about money, stewardship etc. - have your group leader write them down and email or text to Bethany for this upcoming sermon series.

Ask God to give you an open heart, mind, and hands, these next few weeks as we cover the topic of stewardship.

End in Prayer for your FRANCES.