“What The Ascension Means For Us as Followers of Christ”
Pastor Gary Barber
1. What stuck out to you about the worship service over all? What did you enjoy?
2. Which benefit of the Ascension ministered to you the most or which do you need the
most right now? Ascension = acceptance, advocacy, empowering, & gifts from the
Holy Spirit
3. Read 1 Tim 2:5. How is Jesus our mediator? How do you experience that in your faith
walk? What makes Jesus Christ unique in his positioning to be our mediator?
4. Read 1 John 2:1-2 in KJV or NASB. Review: What does the word propitiation mean?
What are the 2 important parts in what Jesus does for us on the cross? How does this
impact you personally?
5. Jesus has ascended but he will return one day in the same way he left. Read
Revelation 1:7. What are the promises about Jesus' return made here in this
passage? How can we guard ourselves against false teachings about the return of
6. Read Acts 2:32-34. Because Jesus ascended to the Father, He sends us the Holy
Spirit. What does the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us mean for us as Christian’s
today? How does this impact our daily life? How have you experienced the outpouring
of the Holy Spirit?
7. End in prayer for your FRANCES and update your group on your BLESS process.
8. Reminder! This is the last week of questions. Your group is welcome to join next week
at the Ascension to Pentecost prayer and worship service which will be each night 6-
7pm. After that we will be on summer break!
“What The Ascension Means For Us as Followers of Christ”
Pastor Gary Barber
1. What stuck out to you about the worship service over all? What did you enjoy?
2. Which benefit of the Ascension ministered to you the most or which do you need the
most right now? Ascension = acceptance, advocacy, empowering, & gifts from the
Holy Spirit
3. Read 1 Tim 2:5. How is Jesus our mediator? How do you experience that in your faith
walk? What makes Jesus Christ unique in his positioning to be our mediator?
4. Read 1 John 2:1-2 in KJV or NASB. Review: What does the word propitiation mean?
What are the 2 important parts in what Jesus does for us on the cross? How does this
impact you personally?
5. Jesus has ascended but he will return one day in the same way he left. Read
Revelation 1:7. What are the promises about Jesus' return made here in this
passage? How can we guard ourselves against false teachings about the return of
6. Read Acts 2:32-34. Because Jesus ascended to the Father, He sends us the Holy
Spirit. What does the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us mean for us as Christian’s
today? How does this impact our daily life? How have you experienced the outpouring
of the Holy Spirit?
7. End in prayer for your FRANCES and update your group on your BLESS process.
8. Reminder! This is the last week of questions. Your group is welcome to join next week
at the Ascension to Pentecost prayer and worship service which will be each night 6-
7pm. After that we will be on summer break!