Community Group Questions 3/17
“The Amazing Life of Saint Patrick”
Pastor Gary Barber

  1. What did you like about the unique service? What stuck out to you? What did you see that was “seeker” or new person friendly? How can we keep being new person or seeker friendly? Did you invite a friend? Did they come? How was your experience and theirs?
  2. Review - Why is the Gospel such good news? What items have you added to the ongoing list?
  3. Read John 15:9, 12-17 - What sticks out to you from this passage about friendship? How are we friends with God? What does it mean to you to be God’s friend?
  4. What stuck out to you from the life of St. Partick? What did you learn? How does his life encourage your faith?
  5. Who do you need to forgive? Ask the Holy Spirit - where are you bitter, angry, or resentful towards someone? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you forgive because Jesus forgave you.
  6. Where is God calling you to take another big faith step to release or surrender something? Where is God asking you to take a big step of faith that you are wrestling with?
  7. Read the Lorica of St. Patrick. What sticks out to you? What part or verse could you use in your prayer and devotions?
  8. End in prayer for you FRANCES! Ask God for wisdom and boldness for who to invite to our Easter services.