“Soils and Seeds in God’s Kingdom”
Pastor Gary Barber
The mystery of why people respond in different ways to the message of Jesus
Pastor Gary Barber
The mystery of why people respond in different ways to the message of Jesus
- What did you think about the service overall? What did you enjoy?
- What did you think about the video about the workers in France? How were you encouraged or what was your take away from that video?
- What is the gospel? How would you explain it to someone who asked you? How is the gospel good news? What reasons have you added to “why the gospel is such good news?” the last few weeks.
- Read Matthew 24:14. How is sharing the Gospel and the return of Jesus as King related according to this scripture? Does that change or shape how you view sharing or evangelizing to others?
- Jesus has paid for our sins - What makes it so difficult to accept something as a free gift? What makes us or others want to keep working to pay for our salvation on our own? Pastor Gary said trying to pay for our salvation is like getting a free ticket to Disneyland and then still trying to pay or do something else to earn the ticket. How does this metaphor change the way you think of the gift of salvation?
- Read Mark 4:3-9. What do the four soils represent? Read vs. 10-20 to get the answer. How do we help cultivate the soil of other people’s hearts?
- Who are you praying for right now, who are you FRANCES? Pray against the devil stealing seed, Pray for deep soil & roots, pray against weeds/thorns of the world.
- Jesus talks about the parable of the mustard seed. What small things are you doing, praying for, or believing in faith about right now? Where is God planting seeds in your life that could grow into something big?
- End in prayer for your FRANCES. Who are you inviting next week to the St. Patrick's day celebration? Where are you on your BLESS practices?