Pray NOW- Stretching out in Prayer Together
Acts 12
Pastor Gary Barber
Acts 12
Pastor Gary Barber
- Catch up with your group! How is everyone doing after the break?
- Last week was Wake Up Now! What do you remember from that sermon that was impactful?
- This week’s sermon - Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscle of omnipotence – Spurgeon. What do you think about this quote? How does it change your view of prayer?
- The early church was astonished by the answered prayer of Peter arriving at the house. Have you had an astonishing answer to prayer? How long had you been praying? Was your prayer a walk, jog, sprint, or gallop? Did it vary? Share with your group.
- Prayer has ongoing impact and continual change in environment. After Peter was broken out of jail, Herod was stricken down, and the word of God continued to flourish (Acts 12:23-24). With your answered prayer from the previous question, did you notice any further changes in the environment as a result of the answered prayer?
- How are we as a community group/church community engaging in fervent and persistent prayer? What would it look like in your families’ life to enter into this kind of prayer? What would it look like to be in this kind of prayer with the church body? Which prayer opportunity with the 40 days of prayer do you want to try individually or as a community group? Look at the church app for all available events.
- During the ministry time Pastor Gary presented an opportunity to connect with God through prayer. Did you participate by reading scriptures, receive holy communion, praying with a leader, or kneel at the altar or chairs? What was your experience?