Family Now
Minister Kelli Mireles
Minister Kelli Mireles
- What did you like about the service? What stuck out to you from the sermon?
- What ways is God’s desire for unique individual gifts in the church different from the world’s focus on individualism? What is the purpose of different gifts/unique talents/individual strengths in the church?
- Charismata means “gift” but the root word means “grace” how do you see the gifts from the Holy Spirit as grace gifts to you and others?
- Read 1 Cor 12:12-20. How do we need each other as the body of Christ? When have you seen the body work well and healthily? When have you seen it not work well? How are you seeing the body at The Oaks work right now?
- Read 1 Cor. 12:21-32 – Have you experienced your gift from the Holy Spirit? Have others told you your gift? Have you been using your gift at TOCC? Where is the Holy Spirit guiding you to step out in faith to use that gift more this season?
- How can you respond to Kelli’s challenge – how can you move more to the center of family/body life at The Oaks? Where can you jump in more to community or to service? What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about these places? (no pressure or guilt just opening to the Holy Spirit)
- What did you feel during the end worship time and time of response? Did you feel any direction from the Holy Spirit? Did you experience any healing during that time?
- End in prayer for your FRANCES – Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, Co-workers, Enemies, Strangers to come to know Christ.