Read Luke 15:11-24 together.
  • What do you think the father in the story felt towards his son during the time he was gone?

Read Luke 15:20 again.
  • How is this a picture of how God the Father treats one of His children when they return to Him? 
  • Have you ever experienced God treating you like this? Describe your experience with the Father to the group.

Read Luke 15:20-24
  • How does this part of the story picture how God treats us with extravagant grace when we return to Him?

Read Jeremiah 31:3 and Lamentations 3:22, 23.
  • What do these verses teach us about God’s “Hessed” (mercy, lovingkindness, and steadfast love)? 
  • What are some ways we can integrate these scriptures into our lives this week?

Read Hebrews 4:14-16.
  • What does this passage teach us about Jesus? 
  • What does it teach us about how to receive God’s mercy and grace?

Pray for friends you can invite to worship next week on 2/16 for our “Invitation Sunday” where we will invite people to receive or return to Jesus.

Pray for each other’s requests and needs.