Evangelize NOW!
Pastor Jose L. Doniz
Sunday 2/4/24
Pastor Jose L. Doniz
Sunday 2/4/24
- What stuck out to you from the worship service? What takeaways did you have from the sermon?
- What do you think about the quote from St. Augustine “The Gospel is shallow enough for a child not to drown, yet deep enough for an elephant to swim.”? Do you agree or disagree?
- Read John 3:16-18 What is the really bad news? What is the really good news? What causes urgency to share the gospel? Do you feel that urgency? What is the first feeling that comes up for you when you think about sharing the gospel with someone? Where does that feeling come from?
- Which practical tools are you going to use from the sermon? Have you made a FRANCES list? Have you started the BLESS Practice? Which steps are you on? Did you grab kindness cards? Review from worship guide? What are frances? What are the bless steps? What is the point of random acts of kindness?
- What part of the gospel circles video did you like? What part stuck out to you? Would you be able to do a similar simple gospel presentation? Are you willing to practice sharing the gospel? What is your next action step that you feel the Holy Spirit is promoting you to do?
- If you don’t have one already make a FRANCES list – take a moment to have everyone in the group write it down on paper or in the notes app on their phone. Stop and pray for your FRANCES. Think about this spring, inviting them to friendship day on St. Patrick’s day March 17th, or our Easter activities.