To the End of the Earth!
Acts 1:8
Pastor Jose L. Doniz & Family
Sunday 4/21/24

1. What did you enjoy from the service? How did Jesus meet you today?
2. Read Acts 1:6-8. What is Jesus saying to His disciples in this passage? What is the
promise about the Holy Spirit? What are we empowered to do? Pop quiz - what is the
mission statement of The Oaks?
3. “The ministry of the Holy Spirit is not a luxury; it is an absolute necessity” How have you
seen this statement to be true? Have you had an encounter with the Holy Spirit where
you felt His power come upon you? Have you been to one of the Rivers Retreat - are
you signing up for this one?
4. What did you learn about the CMA ministry happening in the dark heart of Mexico?
Where did you feel encouraged about what is happening in Mexico and how did you see
God glorified?
5. What stood out from the Doniz family testimony? What did you learn about discernment
and calling from their story?
6. How are you feeling led to support the Doniz family? How will you get involved this year
in missions - will you pray, give, send, or go?
7. End in Prayer for your FRANCES. Where are you at in your Bless process?