The Gospel Story – Our Story
“Lessons From the Beginnings of the Church of Ephesus II”
Pastor Gary Barber

1. What part of the service did you enjoy? Where did Jesus show up and minister to you
during the service?
2. What did you learn about the Holy Spirit? How had you experienced the Holy Spirit “with
you” before you believed and guiding you to Christ? How have you experienced the Holy
Spirit “in” you? How have you experienced the Holy Spirit “upon” you?
3. Read 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. What spiritual gifts have you seen others use? What
spiritual gifts have you experienced?
4. When someone uses a spiritual gift or does something you are not used to, like speaking
in tongues etc how do you respond? Are you comfortable with the “naturally
supernatural?” What does that phrase mean? How do we as Christians live in the
“naturally supernatural”?
5. Have you been to a Rivers Retreat? What was it like for you? How was the ministry time
of prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit? If you have not been, are you willing to go? Are
you able to go this time - April 26th & 27th? If not, will you commit to going to the next? If
not - what’s holding you back?
6. How was the final ministry time on Sunday? Did you receive prayer? Did the Holy Spirit
minister to you? What was that time like for you?
7. End in prayer for your FRANCES - update your group on your FRANCES and your
BLESS process.